“Why I Foster Wednesday: 11 years ago, my family stopped by a Home for Good Dog Rescue adoption event on a whim. We had lost our first dog a few months before but did not wake up that day with any intentions to adopt another. Fate had other plans. My Mom noticed Cubby first and after only a few minutes with him we knew we needed to bring this dog home. Cubby was the missing piece to our family puzzle. A few months after bringing Cubby home, my Mom was diagnosed with cancer and passed away quickly. In the short time she was sick, Cubby was her unrelenting source of comfort, and he continued to be for our family in the aftermath. He was, and always will be, the glue that holds us together. Fast forward 8 years, my fiancΓ© and I moved in together and immediately wanted to adopt our first dog. The only place I wanted to look was Home for Good Dog Rescue. Bosco is the love of our lives and we would be lost without him. When we bought our first home a few months ago, the first thing I did after moving in was sign us up to be a foster family. It has always been a dream of mine to give back to the organization that changed our lives. All those years ago, if there had not been a foster available for Cubby, he might never have made it to New Jersey. If we didn’t adopt Cubby and stay connected to Home for Good, we wouldn’t have Bosco today. I see fostering as my way of saying “THANK YOU!” to this rescue while also honoring Cubby, Bosco, and my Mom. I am so excited to change dogs’ lives and be a part of helping them find their forever families!”
If you’ve adopted a dog from Home for Good, your pet went through our foster program before coming into your home. What better way to give back than to foster a puppy or dog in need? As you have seen from our frequent social media postings, there are so many dogs awaiting forever homes of their very own.
The average foster period is only 1-2 weeks and we provide all supplies (crate, food, toys, medications, etc). If you’ve ever thought about fostering, NOW is the time!
We have dogs and puppies of all sizes and ages in need of temporary homes. Ready to make a difference? We need fosters now more than ever! You can make a difference. Learn more about fostering and how you can help: https://homeforgooddogs.org/
If you cannot foster, please SHARE!